Acerbic ─ 酸澀的
Acrid ─ 酸的
Aroma ─ 芳香
Aftertaste ─ 餘韻
『A coffee's aftertaste, also called the finish, is a taste that remains in the mouth subsequent to swallowing a sip of brewed coffee.』
Aged ─ 陳化
Alkaline ─ 鹹味的
Apple ─ 蘋果味的
Apricot ─ 杏仁味的
Astringent ─ 澀味的
Backed ─ 烘烤的
Basic Tastes ─ 基本味道
Batching ─ 整批作業法
『Batch roasters produce a fixed quantity (lbs per batch) of roasted beans at a time.』
Bean ─ 豆實
Bitter ─ 苦味
Black Currant-Like ─ 黑醋栗味的
Bland ─ 平淡味
Body and Strength ─ 稠度和濃度
Bouquet ─ 清香的
Bourbon ─ 波旁種咖啡
Brackish ─ 有鹽味的
Brew Colloids ─ 咖啡膠質
『Brew colloids affect coffee in two key ways. First, these relatively large masses of coffee stuff contribute to the coffee's perceived weight in our mouths (body) and to mouth feel (a looser definition that encompasses body, but also texture, consistency and anything else your mouth feels apart from taste). More colloids in coffee = greater body.』
Briny ─ 海水味
Caramel ─ 焦糖味
Caustic ─ 腐酸的
『A detrimental coffee taste sensation characterized by burning, sour sensation on the posterior sides of the tongue. Caused by alkaloids increasing the sourness of the acids in combination with a high percentage of salts.』
Cedar ─ 西洋杉、香柏味、木質味
Cherry ─ 果實
Cherry Skin ─ 果實外表
Chocolaty ─ 巧克力味
Clove-Like ─ 丁香似的、香料的
Coffee Arabica ─ 阿拉比卡咖啡樹屬
『"Coffee Arabica" is the species name assigned to the coffee tree by European botanist Linnaeus while ategorizing the flora of the Arabian peninsula.』
Coffee Bean Borer ─ 咖啡果甲蟲
『The coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei, is a small beetle native to Africa. It is among the most harmful pest to coffee crops across the world where coffee is cultivated. Some Spanish common names of the insect include barrenador del café, gorgojo del café and broca del café.』
Coffee Berry Disease (CBD) ─ 咖啡炭疽病
『Coffee Berry Disease caused by Colletotrichum coffeanum was detected in Kenya 1922. CBD on green berries has two forms. Active lesions are initially evident as small dark sunken spots which spread rapidly to involve as much as all of the berry. If infection occurs early and climatic conditions favor disease development, berry development is arrested, resulting in mummified berries on the fruiting branch.
Coffee Blossom ─ 咖啡花
Coffee Canephora (Robusta) ─ 剛果咖啡樹屬 (昔稱羅巴斯塔)
『High in caffeine and rather bitter. Generally less acid and less aromatic than Arabica coffee. Often slightly woody.』
Coffee Leaf Rust ─ 咖啡葉銹病
『Coffee rust is the most economically important coffee disease in the world, and in monetary value, coffee is the most important agricultural product in international trade. Infections occur on the coffee leaves.The first observable symptoms are small, pale yellow spots on the upper surfaces of the leaves. As these spots gradually increase in diameter, masses of orange urediniospores appear on the undersurfaces. The fungus sporulates through the stomata rather than breaking through the epidermis as most rusts do, so it does not form the pustules typical of many rusts.』
Coffee Pulp ─ 咖啡漿果味
Cooked Beef ─ 煮過的牛肉
Coriander Seed ─ 胡荽籽
Complexity ─ 複雜性
Creosote ─ 木餾味
Cucumber ─ 黃瓜、胡瓜
Dark Chocolate ─ 黑巧克力
Defects ─ 咖啡豆缺陷
『Unpleasant flavor characteristics caused by problems during picking, processing, drying, sorting, storage, or transportation.』
Delicate ─ 鮮美精緻味
Dry (Natural) Method ─ 乾式處理
『The method involves drying the whole cherry. There are variations on how the process may be carried out, depending on the size of the plantation, the facilities available and the final quality desired. The three basic steps, cleaning, drying and hulling, are described below.』
Earthy ─ 泥土味
European Prep ─ 歐規處理作業
Fatty Oils ─ 脂肪油Fermented ─ 發酵的
Fertilization ─ 施肥
Flat ─ 平淡無味的
Fermentation ─ 發酵
Fresh ─ 新鮮
Fresh Butter ─ 新鮮的奶油
Fragrance ─ 乾香氣
Fruity ─ 果香
Full ─ 飽滿的
Garden Peas ─ 園圃豌豆
Grassy ─ 草味
Grade Name ─ 分級命名
Grading ─ 分級
Green ─綠味
『Processed coffee that is not yet roasted, or coffee that has been under-roasted and smells and tastes vegetal.』
Hard ─ 生硬味
Harvesting ─ 收成
Herbal ─ 草味的
Hidey ─ 皮革味
Honeyed ─ 蜂蜜的
Hulling (Milling) ─ 去殼的 (研磨)
『The coffee to be hulled is fed into the hulling cylinder where the cross beater forces the coffee to pass through the perforated screen. This results in the complete separation of the husk from the coffee beans. The coffee beans and husk then pass through a powerful Aspirator which can be precisely adjusted for the perfect separation of husk and peels from the coffee beans.』
『利用撞擊或摩擦來去除咖啡果實上的外皮。Friction Hulling為用旋轉式刀片或小刀去掉豆子的皮。Impact Hulling為以滾動、按壓及擠碎的方式去掉豆子的皮。』
Inner Cropping ─ 混合種植
『Inter-planting young, non-bearing coffee with vegetables, annual food and cash crops, partly compensates for the high investment cost of coffee establishment, reduces soil temperature, smothers weed growth and supplies the soil with additional nitrogen (legumes) and organic matter when crop residues are turned back into the soil.』
Intensity ─ 濃稠度
Insipid ─ 平淡無味
Lemon ─ 檸檬、柑橘味
Maple Syrup ─ 楓糖
Malt ─ 麥芽味
Malty ─ 麥芽味的
Mechanical Harvesting ─ 機械收割
Medicinal ─ 藥味的
Mellow ─ 甘醇的
Mucilage ─ 黏液
Mild ─ 溫和味
Musty ─ 霉味
Neutral ─ 中性味
New Crop ─ 新作物
Nippy ─ 辛辣味
Nose ─ 嗅覺
Nutty ─ 堅果味
Oily ─ 油膩的
Past crop ─ 一年豆
Parchment ─ 羊皮紙質薄膜/內果皮/殼
Parchment Coffee ─ 咖啡羊皮紙質薄膜/帶殼豆
Peaberry ─ 圓豆
Pepper ─ 胡椒 (辛辣味)
Pipe tobacco ─ 煙斗用的煙草、烤土司味
Piquant ─ 辣味
Plantation Management ─ 農莊經營
『A system that includes coffee trees and the protections of the environment around.』
Polishing ─ 拋光
『An optional procedure at the end of coffee processing and milling in which the dried, shipment-ready beans are subjected to polishing by friction to remove the innermost, or silverskin, and improve their appearance. Polishing does nothing to help flavor and may even hurt it by heating the beans, hence most specialty coffee buyers do not encourage the practice.』
Potato ─ 馬鈴薯味
Processing ─ 加工過程
Pruning ─ 修剪
Pulp ─ 果肉
Potato ─ 馬鈴薯味
Processing ─ 加工過程
Pruning ─ 修剪
Pulp ─ 果肉
Quaker ─ 未熟豆
Rancid ─ 油耗味
『A taste fault giving the coffee brew a highly displeasing taste. The rancid flavor of a roasted coffee is caused by the oxidation of the fats.』
Rich ─ 豐富的
Rio ─ 里約味
『With particular reference to Brazils, an iodine-like flavor that can be very pungent.』
Roasted peanuts ─ 烘烤花生、烤土司味
Roasted hazelnuts ─ 烘過的榛果、烤土司味 (乾製水果味)
Roasted almonds ─ 烘過的扁桃仁、烤土司味 (乾製水果味)
Roasted coffee ─ 烘過的咖啡、烤土司的、有硫的味道
Rounded ─ 圓滿的
Rough ─ 粗糙的
Rubber ─ 橡膠、化學味
Rubbery ─ 橡膠味
Salt ─ 鹽
Selective Picking ─ 選擇性採收
Scorched ─ 燒焦
Shade Trees ─ 遮蔽樹
Sharp ─ 利口味
Silver Skin ─ 銀皮
Smoke ─ 煙(燻)、烤土司味
Soft ─ 柔和的
Sorting ─ 分類
Sour ─ 酸
Specialty Coffee ─ 精品咖啡
Spicy ─ 辛辣的
Stale ─ 老化
Straw ─ 稻草味、植物性的、乾枯的味
Strip Picking ─ 直接剝除式採收
Sweet ─ 甜味
Sweetly floral ─ 花的甜味
Sweetly spicy ─ 香料的香味
Tangy ─ 撲鼻的、帶有強烈的酸味
Tart ─ 酸
Tarry ─ 焦油味
Tea Gardens ─ 庭園茶會
Tea Rose ─ 茶玫瑰、似花的味
Toast ─ 烤土司、烤土司味
Turkish Coffee ─ 土耳其咖啡
Vanilla ─ 香草、香脂的、甜的味
Vapid ─ 平淡無味的
Walnuts ─ 胡桃、烤土司味 (乾製水果味)
Weed Control ─ 控制野草生長
Wet (Washed) Process ─ 清洗過程
Wild ─ 野味
Winey ─ 酒味
Woody ─ 木質味